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Adrian Oianu

The Design “My story is all the time about the beauty of my land’s fairy tales. These and the local his tory come together and make me dis cover over and over again the woman’s grace. They make me dis cover the fresh ness, the fragility, fem i nin ity and joy ful ness of life.

My girl’s nat ural beauty and sen si bil ity inspire me. The vul ner a bil ity makes me dream. I don’t care about strong, inde pen dent woman — the prod uct of com mer cial mes sages. I care about the deep value of a human being and hon est beauty, which comes from the purity of nature.

The Brand Adrian Oianu label was launched on the mar ket in 2006 with the designer’s new col lec tion of con tem po rary dresses -“I live again”. The col lec tion was named after the book with the same title, writ ten by Princess Ileana of Roma nia, daugh ter of Queen Marie and King Ferdinand.

The brand revolves around the per son al ity of its’ designer. Since his return to Roma nia, 10 Col lec tions have been launched over a period of 4 years, pre sented in more than 50 Fash ion Shows.

Adrian Oianu is known for his approach to con tem po rary art exper i ments such as : Fash ion Films Project (2006), The Beat (2007) or the lat est project 153 DTMJ Col lec tion (2009) — using 3Dimensional prints on silk, which can be seen with spe cial 3D Glasses.